Welcome to Sapphire Software!

We are a software company based in San Francisco, California, USA.

We build products that leverage multiple technologies, including blockchain, AI, IOT, mobile, cloud and Big Data technologies. We also provide expert consulting in these areas.

In blockchain technology, we have products and consulting services in the areas of decentralized identity (DID), token-curated registries and digital asset marketplaces.

We have experience in multiple industry sectors and product categories: smart cities, supply chain, health care, education, and government. We gravitate towards the dominant blockchain technology today: the Ethereum smart contract platform. However we also work with competitive blockchain technologies such as Hyperledger Fabric, Tezos and Cosmos.

Mobile apps coming soon!

Google Play App Store

Sapphire Software combines technologies synergistically

In today's hypercompetitive economy, it is not enough to gain advantage through use of just one technology, such as blockchain. Instead, it is necessary to combine multiple technologies into a synergistic whole.

We can illustrate this by examining one sector: health care.

Health care is a very large and important sector in the economy. Sapphire Software has worked on multiple projects in this area. Here are some of the technologies that are relevant to health care sector and how they might be used. This is merely an illustrative example. Other sectors, such as financial services and supply chain, might use a similar mix of technologies in somewhat different manner.

Secure Valuable Data

There is a huge amount of data in the world, and some data needs to be completely secure and authentic. Medical records are a clear case where one has to be sur the data has not been tampered with due to error or corruption. Blockchain implements a distributed ledger that is tamper-proof and immutable.

Decentralized identity

Medical records have high value and access to this data needs to be carefully managed. EHR systems have process for restricting access, this is under control of the insinuation and not the parent. There is a need for patient controlled DID that can control access to information

IOT Devices

The types of devices that generate medical data has proliferated. Some of these devices are in a centralized setting under control of a hospital Others are personal wearable devices controlled by consumers. Others are devices used in a remote office. In the post-pandemic future there will be devices in cars, doorways to buildings, and office settings. All these devices need to be mangled with secure identity.

AI & Machine Learning

As the amount of data increases exponentially, there needs to be layers of automated processing that can analyze, correlate and do pattern recognition for different medical conditions. Some of this processing will be integrated with devices, while other processing will be in large-scale centralized data repositories. Different kinds of AI technology need to be applied at different levels for different purposes.

Markets & Token Incentives

Blockchain provides mechanisms for payments and for secure immutable data. These mechanisms are in wide use. Less used in enterprise blockchain projects, but with tremendous potential is the application of purpose-built markets to incentivize and reward behavior. In the health care sector, this mechanism can be used to reward people for healthy behavior such as exercise, nutrition, preventive medical visits and compliance with treatment plans.

Mobile Access

Medical data needs to be viewed in various settings, from clinic to hospital to doctor’s office to family setting. Mobile devices enable easy access to this data, while preserving privacy and security (through related techniques metntioned earlier)

The supply chain sector has new pain points seeking real solutions

Over the past decades the global economy has become increasingly intertwined with complex supply chains across continents. The recent global pandemic, plus increased geopolitical tensions, is resulting in a major transformation and reconfiguration of existing supply chain structures. New pain points will require new solutions. Blockchain technology will play a major role. Here are some areas

  • Provenance will continue to grow in importance, as new reasons arise for knowing the certified origin of raw materials and intermediate goods.
  • Trade finance helps empower and include small to mid-size businesses in global trade.
  • Cold chains are becoming important in the global pandemic, due to make sure that vaccines, certain drugs, and plasma products stay within a controlled temperature range during shipment.
  • Cross-border payments will grow in importance, and will need to include new classes of participants, including small-to-midsize businesses.

Sapphire Software has worked on these kinds of prohjects in different regions of the world, primarily appying blockchain technology but increasingly looking to AI, IOT, Big Data for synergistic convergence.

Sapphire DID Identity System

To fulfill the vision of blockchain platforms as the "world computer", it is neessary to incorporate a decentralized identity (DID) system.

Sapphire DID system is an integrated set of components for providing digital identities rooted on blockchains or other distributed ledgers so that they are interoperable across administrative domains, applications, and other silos.

Decentralized identity (DID) is a layer on top of the blockchain foundation that adds identity mechanisms (for people, for organizations and for software systems). Unlike centralized identity systems, DID data is managed by every participant in the DID system for themselves. They control who can use what parts of their data for what purpose, without relying on a central authority.

DIDs are globally unique identifiers that are created by their owner, independent of any central authority. Identities are not just for users (people) but can also include IOT smart devices and other application systems.

Purpose-built markets and token-based incentives

As the global economy evolves to become more complex and intertwined, there is also a need for new classes of customers and new business models.

Marketplaces are a powerful mechanisms for economic empowerment, wealth creation and efficient allocation of resources. This is even more true during the emerging era of blockchain technology. Blockchain platforms such as Ethereum can apply the power of smart-contract technology to offer purpose-built markets. These markets are for exchange of value of different types, not just monetary instruments.

Over the past 5 years, there have been many blockchain projects that build and launch a marketplace for a specific purpose. However the design of these markets is relatively simple. In some cases, it seems like "Launch a token and the market will come". To have real success and impact, Sapphire Software believes it is necessary to design markets in the same manner as designing a product, using well-established product-management methodology.

Markets can have widely varying designs in terms of rules, policy, medium of exchange, etc. Sapphire uses market simulation tools that can test and validate different market configurations in the confines of the development laboratory. This reduces risk and increases the chance of success of the market once it is launched.

The need for a high-quality user experience will grow

In a world of pervasive and increasingly competitive one-click commerce, new entrants in online business sector need to offer a user interface that is simple, intuitive and effective in delivering business value. This requires skills in disciplines that are not always found in enterprise IT organizations.

  • Accurate discovery of requirements through fieldwork with actual users, instead of minimal interviews with managers who are not the primary users.
  • Structured innovation and prioritization of appiication features through design thinking workshops
  • Meaningful linkage to business goals through business-oriented metrics to insure that the system delivers value to the organization
  • Social architecture and social experience design, to accompany content architecture and UI design
  • Instrumentation and monitoring of user traffic and analysis of usage patterns to enable a process of continuous improvement based on objective data about user behavior

Sapphire Software has many years of experience in this area, a discipline that is often not fully understood. A high-quality UX is more than a cosmetic layer on an application. It needs to be designed into the skeleton of the system from the outset. Doing so can result in sustainable competitive advantage.


We want to hear from organizations and enterprises that are interested in our products (DID identity) and our consulting services. We also want to hear from prospective business partners, potential employee recruits, press, and investors.


216 F Street
Davis, CA 95616

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Working on global projects in disparate timezones, we are available on 24x7 basis

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